Asoli, Bhandara Road, Dighori (Kale) Post, Nagpur -441202 BETWEEN KAPSI AND MALGAON ON NH 6.

Parents Teacher Association

The child being the focus of attention of both parents and teachers,equal responsibility is laid upon them for the improvement and welfare of the child .The parents and teachers have some mutual expectation and responsibility regarding their children ,all these needs are catered and fullfiled through Parents Teachers Association .PTA is formed in school as per the rule of CBSE and of the state.Parents are invited to become the members of this association every year and an executive body is formed.

 Parents Role 

Once a child is admitted to school, the school expects parents or guardians to co-operate with the school authorities towards the cause of education. Parents should follow the student’s progress in studies and also their general conduct in and outside the school.Their co-operation is solicited especially to ensure regular attendance and better discipline .They are asked to take special note of the remark made in the school diary. Parental role and obligations 1 "Humanity's great hope is that parents will act for the best,if they have awareness and are on the side of the child in his development towards freedom in work, knowledge and love."

1. Parents need to cultivate objectivity in accepting their children on the basis of their inner potential and provide maximum enrichment opportunities towards their betterment. More personal attention and supervisory guidance at study, rather than dependence on external tutoring would consolidate the parent child relationship as one that is based on friendship and counselling.

2. Relationships of extreme authority with high expectations or permissiveness with irresponsibility develops complexities and traumas in children

3. Parents should refrain from violating personal rights of their children and instil a sense of initintive, motivation and enthusiasm to pursue their goals in this competitive world around us.

4. Parents should offer timely support, encouragement, love and above all discernment between freedom and licence. Sanctions and withdrawals should be based on sound casual reasoning, and awareness of the consequences of unacceptable behaviour, and not on punitive grounds, or on the authoritarian basis of parenthood. 5 It naturally follows that a parent lien is a friend, a confidant, an inspirer, who should build self-esteem. confidence, critical thinking  in his children.

6. A changed concept of time and its utilisation is what the parents should incorporate in the children at home. Creating time for recreation and entertainment, judicious use of Mobile phunes, TV/VCD's cultivation of independent and regulated study habits and homework completion with supervisory guidance should be parental contribution towards building a balanced personality, 7 Parents should develop courage and ability to cope with academic demands, emotional and psychological stress and failures in children

Character formation, scientific reasoning, religion and its 8. interpretation and application to life in the correct perspective should be the foundations which parents ought to establish for their children 9 Parents should instill in their children, the qualities of learning

to share, to serve, to empathise and to be compassionate, sensitive and sensible. 10 Timely interaction of parents with the school authorities, und

teachers concerned is necessary to maximise the child's potential and performance,


TEACHERS Teachers name
1 Mrs.Shyla.K.T (President)                                            
2 Mrs.Shyno ranji (Secretary)
3 Ms. Janet lawrence
4 Ms. Margret paul
5 Ms. Cindrella doraiswamy
6 Ms. Mureal
7 Mrs.pradnya khare
8 Mrs. Sunayana harpale
9 Mrs. Sharda nair
10 Ms. Priyanka balpande
11 Mrs. kakali dasgupta
12 Mrs.Darshana bawankule

PARENTS Name of the parents
1 Mr.Vijay sajnani                                             
2 Mrs.Sangita mankar
3 Mr.Satish borkar
4 Mr.Sujit baitha
5 Mr.Devendra wankhede
6 Mr.gulab yadav
7 Mr.Vishal ruikar
8 Mr.Vinod khapekar
9 Mrs.Asha jamgadge
10 Mrs.Harsha bhaisare